Tokyo Midtown Design Hub 48th Exhibition
favorite of GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2014
- Year: 2014
- Planner: JDP
- Tags: BusinessProductGood Design AwardExhibitions
Tokyo Midtown Design Hub is pleased to announce the opening of its 48th exhibition, “My Favorite Piece of Design 2014,” from October 4. It is the project to introduce some of the winning entrees of this year’s Good Design Award which are to be announced Oct.1 Each of the 71 jury members picks an entry which attracted his/her attention and writes a column on it.
Good Design Award, known as the leading design commendation program in Japan, attracts numerous submissions from various fields every year. The entries are evaluated and selected by the jury based on their knowledge and expertise. The jury are 71 members from various fields in Japan and abroad, including designers, architects, scholars, journalists and entrepreneurs. In “My Favorite Piece of Design 2014,” each jury member introduces his or her favorite piece of entry in a written column. The selected “pieces,” which range from products, architecture to approaches that utilizes design, are presented through the jury’s analytical point of view to convey the appeals, fun and possibilities of design. At the venue, parts of the “pieces” as actual articles are planned to be displayed along with columns written by the jury members.
Tokyo Midtown Design Hub 48th Exhibition: favorite of GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2014
Dates: October 4 Sat – 25 Sat, 2014
Open daily 11am–7pm, Admission free
Venue: Tokyo Midtown Design Hub (Midtown Tower 5F)
Organizer: Tokyo Midtown Design Hub
Produced by: Japan Institute of Design Promotion