Tokyo Midtown Design Hub 62nd Exhibition
The Idea and Formation of Design: Fifty Years of Design
- Year: 2016
- Planner: Musashino Art University Design Lounge
- Tags: Education
The 62nd Exhibition "The Idea and Formation of Design: Fifty Years of Design" will be held from Saturday, November 19, 2016. During the exhibition period, panel sessions will be held to discuss the past and future ideas on design. In this exhibition sponsored by MAU, the Department of Science of Design takes a leading role in shedding light on various ideas and formation of design. The science of design--the practice of design based on the ideals of design, the philosophy of design shaped by its practice and the fifty years of contribution by former design students in society--will be exhibited. As for the practice of design, a futuristic vision towards social movements, distinctive groundbreaking developments and new roles for creativity are involved. In addition, during the exhibition period there will be an event in which discussion will focus on the practice and education of visual communication design, product environmental design and design informatics. The event is open to the general public.
Tokyo Midtown Design Hub 62th Exhibition:The Idea and Formation of Design: Fifty Years of Design
Dates: Saturday, November 19 - Sunday, December 25, 2016
Open 11am - 7pm(-6pm on the first day),Temporary closing on 23rd Nov./Admission free
Venue: Tokyo Midtown Design Hub (Midtown Tower 5F)
Organizer: Tokyo Midtown Design Hub
Planning and Execution: Musashino Art University Design Lounge / Musashino Art University Department of Science of Design
Opening Reception:
December 19 SAT, 6pm - 8:30pm
Musashino Art University Design Lounge
5F Midtown Tower, 9-7-1 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Tel. 03-3470-7221 Fax. 03-3470-7225 info@designhub.jp